Writing in Org is a lightweight distraction-free text editor for Org mode.
Write text on the left, and the result is displayed on the right.
CTRL + D: toggle display mode (editor only, preview only or both-at-the-same-time)
CTRL + P: print or export as PDF
CTRL + S: save source code as .org file
CTRL + SHIFT + O: open .org file
CTRL + SHIFT + L: enable / disable LaTeX (i.e. math formulas)
CTRL + SHIFT + R: toggle roman (LaTex-like) or sans-serif font
CTRL + SHIFT + H: show this help dialog
F11: full-screen (in most browsers)
Org syntax
* Heading level 1
** Heading level 2
*** Heading level 3
This is /italic/ and this is *bold*.
This is a [[http://www.example.com/][link-description]],
and this is an image: [[http://www.example.com/image.png][http://www.example.com/image.png]].
Write code with =...=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(message "This is code.")
This is a quote.
Five hyphens (-----) generate a horizontal rule.
You can find the official Org mode Manual here,
or the Org syntax draft here if you would like
to learn more about Org mode.
LaTeX syntax
This formula $x^2+1$ will be displayed inline.
This formula $$x^2+1$$ will be displayed in a new paragraph.
Specific syntax
\pagebreak will trigger a pagebreak when printing / exporting to PDF.
Converted to support Org mode by @kaushalmodi
Originally made by @JosephErnest
Uses Pagedown, Pagedown Extra, MathJax, StackOverflow's editor code,
and the Computer Modern font.